So it's been a while since i've posted, I'm trying to keep this as routine as possible but obviously i've failed to accomplish that. Last I left off I was talking about a lifehouse concert and The last goodnight. They were absolutely amazing. At the lifehouse concert, there were so many people and just to flaunt the fact that i was front row and how difficult it must've been for me to accomplish such a great achievement, you should go watch this video to get a feel of how fucking crowded this place was. (Just watch the last 14 seconds) :

Matt nathanson opened and I found an extreme liking to his music so I purchased his album and now I practically listen to him everday of my life.

The Last Goodnight concert was pretty interesting and the most interactive of them all. That night I went with my sister because Emily couldn't make it. So we lined up to find that there were not that many people there. Give or take like 25 in the whole concert place and it was extremely personal and close. Inine opened and she had us sing along. There was no barracade and when the Last Goodnight played "Good love" we got to go onstage and dance with them. Afterwords, people had drinks with the bandmates and I got an autograph from all of the members of the band and pictures of coarse!

I didn't post all the pictures with the band mates you get the idea that I had an amazing time.
Fast forwarding a little, at the beginning of the summer I had to take an AP Chem pre req corase and a trig corase before the fall semester so I got that done and over with. Now i'm interning at Columbia U at the College of Physicians and Surgeons doing a research project on how 5ATE and 5 AT1 cells react irradiated.
And now, I just came home from my Birthday Bash. I got to stay at the Waldorf with 3 of my closest friends and we had dinner, went to Dylan's Candy Bar, and partied in the room and watched a movie. The next day, Matt (one of my friend's boyfriend) joined us at around 11:30 and we went shopping all around NYC and I think I walked the most in my whole entire life that day. That's how we got those filth filled feet (pictures to follow).

And for a wrap, that day I spent way to much money, had way more to drink which probably induced my headache by the time we watched that movie that night, and had way to much fun with the 3 people that matter most in my life exlcuding parental figures of coarse. 

Until next time <3